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About us


Eastern Mediterranean Health Genomics and Biotechnology Network (EMHGBN) was created in 2004 for representatives of selected centres of excellence in (health related) Molecular biology, Biotechnology & genomics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region by recommendation of WHO/EMRO efforts..

Responsibility for hosting the network secretariat should rest with Member States. The Secretariat should rotate among the Member States after a defined period of?? time. Membership should be open to all interested partners in Member States.


- To create and sustain value by being recognized as a player in the international biopharmaceutical, genomics and biotechnological industry aiming at promoting health in the region.

- Sustainable development of health genomics and biotechnology through facilitation of high quality R&D training and sharing information, experience distribution and technology transfer in order to meet common and regional health needs of member countries.


- To induce collaboration in production, training, Research & Development to be self reliant in biotechnology and industries.

- To facilitate cooperation between wealthy and poor countries to upgrade health standards.

Goals PDF Print E-mail
Written by EMGEN   
Monday, 15 September 2008 11:23

- To promote regional common health objectives through R&D partnership and collaboration.
- To facilitate capacity building in genomics and biotechnology through public awareness and promotion, training and educational programs.
- To prioritize health related R&D in genomics and biotechnology
- To support production of specific and new products
- To meet internationally recognized standards in health genomics and biotechnology

Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 July 2013 05:06
Strategic Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by EMGEN   
Monday, 26 January 2009 05:14

Download Strategic Plan

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 July 2013 08:17


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